Book a class.

“ I am passionate about the health and wellness benefits of Yoga and firmly believe in the power of this practice/philosophy to improve the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds. 

My classes have the right balance between accessibility and challenge, movement and stillness and include elements of meditation as well as breathing techniques.

I am truly committed to providing extensive instructions and counselling to the practitioners, helping them to reconnect with themselves and find their inner strength and peace.

In my classes, you will find a safe space and supportive environment, respectful of your needs and individuality.”

COMING SOON: Starting April 2024, I'll be opening bookings for my regular online classes. Stay tuned for more details!

Offering regular in-person classes at :

- Nature Of Self, North Fremantle
- Henosis&Co, West Leederville

You can also practice with me 1:1


- Follow me on Instagram to stay updated on cover classes
around Perth

Join me for a monthly women’s circle

Women have been gathering in circles since the beginning of time to share experiences, thoughts, stories, prayers and simply connect with each other.

This group is here to offer a safe and gentle space for all women to come together and share, without the fear of being judge.

This is a space for you to fully express yourself, to hold and be held, to see and be seen, to listen and be heard.

Come and join the Sisters of Freo Women’s Circle for about 2hours to tune into your body, find some peace and share with other like-minded souls. This is all about community and self-care.

More information here

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